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How to stop overwhelm when you’re running your own business

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How not to be overwhelmed as a business owner

As business owners it’s hard for us to strike the right work-life balance and not be overwhelmed with running our own businesses. This was made harder years ago with mobile phones and social media.  But today it is harder than ever when we are in the midst of the most unusual circumstances. Often we would take a break, a holiday, but even that’s difficult now! We have travel limitations, fear of more quarantines, and fear of what would happen to our business. For many of us, this has meant we are now working longer hours than ever in our business, ignoring our families, and probably our own self-care. Not the best way for us to operate – and it’s not good for our businesses. When we are exhausted or burnt out the danger is we don’t make our best decisions. Not only our health is compromised, but the health of our business is too. With it being harder than ever to take a proper holiday to switch off – what else can we do?

Develop a routine

These last few months have been tough – we have had all sorts to contend with – lockdown, home-schooling, how to visit or see our customers, lives on Zoom, and the constant uncertainty. Routines and structures to our day are the best way to deal with this. These routines could be things like getting up early, before everyone else, and use that time to work on your business and to properly think. Make sure you plan and properly structure your days! I always say

“today is never finished, until tomorrow is planned”

I’ve a super planner I use for my days, if you would like a copy then click here for a free download. Have a set time in the evening where you turn everything to do with work off . Don’t even take a sneaky peak at your emails on your phone!


Exercise is a great way of resetting your mind and body. Gyms are now open, but gyms aren’t for everyone! Try to fit in something every day. Go for a walk, or get on your bike, or even do some simple stretching at home. But make it a routine. Have a goal every day and even better a set time every day for you to do it.

Turn off the news!

Social media is awash with conspiracy theories. The news full of doom and gloom and finding the worst and the scariest stories to report on. The news is fuelling the fear, turn it off! Limit your news intake, concentrate on what you can control, not the latest fearmongering from the media

Focus on the present

With everything that has gone on in the last six months, we often find it hard to figure out what we can and cannot do. Focus is really important. Focus on the things we can do and the things that are in our control, not on the things we can’t control. When we get hung up on those things we can do nothing about such as restrictions due to social distancing we will never move forward. Focus on the things we can do and create strategies to support your goals based on these. Can we do things differently – look how we have all adapted to online meetings! Can you do client meetings or even viewings on Zoom or Facetime? Can you move more of your business online?

Learn something new

If you are faced with working at home, or you have more time now than you had then use your time differently and wisely. Use your time to update your marketing, or learn something new – and it needn’t be business related, but if it is it will help you in the future.

Ask Questions

We often don’t get the time to ask the key questions that will grow our business. Make time to ask yourselves those questions: How could I do this differently? What else could I offer? What if? Why not?

Take a mini-break

The traditional two week summer holiday has been a bit tricky this summer.  A few days away in the UK is great to just disconnect for a while. Use the time to recharge, and focus on things to spark your imagination. Ask the questions you need to ask of your business. Some of these ideas may seem easy and simple. As business owners we know that it’s hard to give yourself time to think and re-charge. As the business owner it’s important that you are at the top of your game in today’s environment. Good self-care will mean your business reflects the best of you even though times are tough. If you are looking for a mini-break, then my go-to holiday organiser is Ian Gifford – you can find him here.

If you feel you could benefit from any support, some one-to-one help, reach out, give us a call.

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